The bad news? Our memoirs retreat is now totally sold out with Marnie, but we’ve booked one for next year!
But, the other good news – we are proud to present our very first ‘personal essays’ retreat, a workshop on micro-memoirs: a gateway into seeing your work in print without having to finish a whole memoir first. Interested? Check this out, especially what they say about the tutor at the end!

Margarita Gokun Silver, award-winning writer, NYT, BNC, Guardian, Oprah Mag and many more |
We’ve also got our new schedule up online with several new dates available for you, but the other bad news is that most retreats in the next couple of months have sold out or only have one or two places left. (I just squeezed in one more in March on the Develop Your Novel workshop, and that’s about it!) In May, just announced, a Just Write retreat – if you’re quick you’ll be able to get an ensuite bedroom!
We’ve also added our annual weekend, this time in October (but one of the ensuite bedrooms has already gone.) You’ll also be able to make it a whole seven nights, if you put it together with the 4 day retreat running just beforehand, so that’s another first for us!

Talking of memoirs, Marnie pointed out this really useful piece on her newsletter recently, do have a look.
How to get the Most out of your Writing Retreat: do you agree with author Jane Friedman?
I think number four is particularly important.
Jane also writes micro-memoirs. And if you’re a novelist, needing a lift to finally get that first book finished, why not come on the micro-memoirs week in August? You’ll be surprised how it can inspire you and get your creative juices flowing.
Last year we had a bit of a heatwave and writers loved sitting in the courtyard under the umbrella in a gentle breeze, or in the sun spots in the back garden, listening to the birdsong, enjoying the fresh countryside air which surrounds our beautiful picturesque village of Sheepwash, taking walks down the country lanes, or just relaxing with a book in between having all your meals provided and no chores!

Go on, remember rule number one – give yourself permission! We look forward to hearing from you. And don’t forget the cake…

Best wishes
Debbie Flint & Team