Hi everyone!
I wanted to delay sending this to you because I know some of you will have already been following the blog page on our website where I put intermittent updates.
I also thought you’re likely to have other things on your mind than a writing retreat that’s – for obvious reasons – shut down for the time being. But given the most recent announcements, it seems more likely that we may be able to take bookings from late summer. Hopefully. Do enquire in the meantime, if you have some dates in mind. it helps our business case to keep going. And thanks to everybody who has kindly postponed rather than cancelling, it means a lot.
RFY in the FT
Lovely writer and Financial Times reporter, Rebecca Watson, finally published her report about the benefits of Writing Retreats, in the actual financial times. Yes, the actual financial times! It’s a lovely tribute to our place, and her brief visit in February. But it has given us some other ideas for improvements. Go here to see the article see if you agree with her. (Note: if the link doesn’t take you to the right place, just put ‘financial times retreats for you’ into your search engine!)

Plus, it got me to thinking – what improvements would you make here at Retreats For You? If you had a Fairy Deb-Mother wand? And I’m curious – has one thing specifically prevented you from coming back? I’m interested to know. We have lots of return visitors but I thought I might as well ask just in case you’ve got time to pen me a little response. Do just press reply and add your comment.
With a little more time than normal on our hands as we have shut up shop, I’ve been considering some things. Like a second location for a Retreats For You sister venue. If ‘Retreats For You 2’, was based in any of the following destinations, would you be more likely to go, (obviously if it was a similar building and set up?)
– Bristol/Bath
– this side of Wales
– Somerset
– near somewhere with a good link for transport
– much closer to London?
Let me know.

Cooking Practise
There is no Wendy around so I’ve been brushing up on my own cooking skills, Including some inspirational recipe boxes like mindful chef. Just discovered roast aubergine fingers with Cumin… yum! Look out for recipes like this coming to a plate near you…
Get Away from it all – and from everyone.
Fancy a trip to a Wood Cabin Hideaway with Hot Tub, woodburner and proper bathroom, in West Wales?
Talking of Alternatives, my lovely daughter Lauren and son-in-law Nick have opened their bookings for ‘The Hiveaway’ near Carmarthen, right at the end of the M4. Anyone just looking for a unique self-catering break to tuck yourself away and write, or for a romantic weekend away? Beautiful countryside peace and seclusion? Well, have a look at this.

Here are their details on the swish glamping website called “canopy and stars”. From just £120 per night. Bring your own food, but it is utterly gorgeous. And the views are phenomenal, check out the 20 photographs on this page. They just had a flurry of bookings from people in the mood for planning something to look forward to, so get your enquiries in now before the dates all go.
Or Hire RFY…
Finally on this topic, there is a possibility that you could hire Retreats For You in 2020 as a 5-7 bed self catering week-long venue, or three night weekend get away. It might be the most affordable way to take family and friends away this year. Dog friendly too, now Daisy is not there. Just get in touch to enquire.

Daisy Dog
Actually, a couple of people have asked about my lovely doggy, and the good news is she is currently loving her long staycation at my brother Derek’s house in Kent. She is keeping six-year-old Evie company during lockdown, and has just acquired a new little puppy friend there, as well. She will return when the time is right, unless I can’t get her to leave: she seems very happy with all the company and attention!

Online Daily Writing Unblocker
Charlie our lovely friend from Urban Retreat, has been offering lots of online opportunities during the recent months. Go here to see something I’ve just signed up for – her daily emails with writing prompts. Well something has to get my writing juices flowing again!

Follow our News
For the latest news – go here to see the most recent RFY blogs including some photos of the garden. And obviously we do regular posts on our social media, see below. And we hope to see you later in the year!
Meanwhile I will leave you with a picture of our street on VE day. Everyone got in the mood as Glenn Miller would say!

Let me know if you’ve got any questions about anything and don’t forget to press reply and tell me your answers to the above questions. It means a lot to me. Thank you.
Best wishes and stay safe.
Social Media
Please follow us on our social media – that’s where most of our news appears first:
Facebook (please add your review if you would like to, we really appreciate it! Go here – dozens of top rated reviews.
Copyright © 2018 Retreats For You, All rights reserved.
Mailing address is:
Retreats For You
The Court
Beaworthy, Devon EX21 5NE
United Kingdom
GDPR policy on our website
Best wishes
Debs x
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