Two best selling guests tell us about their 2023 success stories! Plus, know someone who wants to see their children’s tale in print?
And one, possibly two spaces available at our rare weekend ‘Just Write’ retreat August 25th: three nights fully catered plus an extra three nights at just £80 per night semi self catering :-). (Details here). Contact us soon 🙂 WhatsApp Debbie on 07949052208.
Yes, two of our previous guests are now selling bucket loads of books!
First, award-winning journalist and columnist, Yomi Adegoke returned to us in May. Her book, ‘The List,’ is racing up the charts, and the support from the RFY-May-retreat pals on What’s App nearly made her cry. Bless.
Who wouldn’t want a tweet like this one from an agency like Madeleine Milburn’s!
Yomi says her stay here at Retreats For You really helped get her writing done. She says –
‘From the idyllic backdrop to the thoughtful tutors, the cosy cottage and warm host, everything about Debbie’s retreat made me feel welcome. I met wonderful and supportive writers, felt inspired daily and since everything I needed was taken care of, I could focus solely on writing. I enjoyed myself so much I ended up coming back a second time! I highly recommend to any writers, whatever stage of the process they may be at. Thank you Debbie for such a wonderful experience.’
Find ‘The List’ here and follow Yomi on Instagram @yomi.adegoke, where she will be posting book tour information.
Massive congratulations to lovely Yomi, such a character and truly deserves her success! (PS, where’s our signed copy?!) Actually, I’ve just got it on audiobook and it’s fab. Well done and thanks for being such an inspiration to so many 🙂
Our second tale of success is from Katy Brent whose recent release, ‘How to Kill Men and Get Away With It,’ is helping to spawn a whole new trend of noir in crime. Katie came to us this year in March, and returned in July, and since release, her book has exceeded all expectations, selling 60,000 copies. Yes really :-). But her route to publication was slightly less conventional than Yomi…
Katy Brent – How to Kill Men and Get Away With It…
1. Everyone loves a success story – what was your route to publication?
It was quite the saga! I started querying with agents late 2020/early 2021 and by May that year I was still querying! I had rejections of all sorts – nice ones with helpful notes, some ‘thanks but no thanks’ and some complete radio silence. In a last ditch effort, I sent my manuscript to some publishers who had open submissions. I ended up having four offers – two indie and two Big Five imprints. In the end I went with HQ (HarperCollins) because they were so excited about the book. I signed a two-book deal with them in August 2021.
2. What happened after you got signed?
I met with my editor over Zoom and she talked me through what to expect and explained about structure and line edits. We also agreed a publication schedule and ideas for book two. I didn’t actually get my agent – Euan at AM Heath – until June 2022.
3. What was the best thing in the period that followed?
I loved seeing my cover for the first time and getting the physical proofs in. That was when it all started to feel real.
4. What was the hardest thing?
I can’t think of anything that was too hard as it’s been a dream come true for me. If I had to pick anything it would be the amount of time I had to wait for publication. Publishing is definitely about the long game and I’m not particularly patient!
5. Was finally being published how you expected it to be?
For me, I didn’t really have any expectations so it’s been great!
6. Your book has been pretty successful, what’s happened since launch?
Lots! I can’t speak about everything as I’m still waiting for some things to be confirmed but there’s lots of exciting news on the way. It’s been great though – I’ve had feedback from all over the world and it’s just lovely to see it resonating with so many people. We recently celebrated 50k copies sold which is really exciting. There’s also no feeling like seeing your own book ‘in the wild’!
7. What’s next?
My second novel, The Murder After The Night Before, is coming out in February 2024 so I’m gearing up for publicity around that now. Advanced reader copies (ARCs) will be going out to reviewers, bloggers and other authors soon. I’m excited to see what people think of it. I’m nervous too though – second novel syndrome is a thing.
8. Any advice for unsigned authors?
Just keep going! I was about to give up after the querying with agents didn’t yield anything for me. But I’m glad I decided to give it one last go and go straight to publishers. A lot of digital imprints accept manuscripts from unagented authors so keep an eye on their submission windows.
Next time… Continuing in the genre, Julie Cohen’s latest masterpiece, ‘Bad Men,’ is out! It’s her first as Julie Mae Cohen, one of our most regular tutors – and most successful – making her mark in crime! This brilliant book takes her plots to a whole new level… 6 feet under. Loving the audiobook, out now, more soon.
Upcoming Retreats
Get one step closer to seeing your book in print if you haven’t already, with a fully catered writing retreat. Some spaces on most tutored workshops but some are nearly full! Or, established authors/those needing me-time, just book a ‘just write’ week. Full dates here.
Including crime, develop your novel, write a commercial novel, memoirs, and more. Plus…
Children’s Picturebook Retreat – October ‘23
Know someone who would love to come and learn how to put one together, and how to get it published? Point them in this direction, 16th of October, four nights, full board, own room, no chores! Excellent tuition daily and a one-to-one plus follow-up, from top children’s writing tutor and author Jude Lennon. Details here.
Contact us now, some places left, and don’t forget if you and a small group of friends would love to come, there is a chance I could create a date for you, to get in touch, or hire it as a holiday let. Check out the holiday let page where you will see videos of all the rooms in the house and grounds!
Hope to hear from you soon!
Best wishes
Debbie Flint & Team