Thought about buying someone a voucher or part-voucher for a retreat here? Or requesting one for yourself for Christmas?
It’s quite easy, you just email us and we prepare a bespoke one just for you. However much they – or you – want to put towards a stay, we can create it, and it has a six-month use-by date. (Terms and conditions apply, just ask). It can be used on any retreat, including tutored ones.
Here’s what’s in store:
Jan MON 22nd – Just Write Retreat – 4 nts
Two places left, regular rooms. £124 per night including all meals:
– any-time self-service breakfast,
– buffet lunch,
– afternoon tea/coffee/cake,
– glass of wine before and during your two course supper;
– Mini home gym, good broadband, easy parking, Okehampton rail station 19 minutes drive away (taxi share possible).
– own cosy room with writing desk, tea and coffee making, dressing gown, towels, beautiful bed. No chores!
Feb TUES 20th – Just Write Retreat – 5 nts
Possibly only one room left, waiting to be confirmed. Waitlist possible, overspill into delightful Gastro pub opposite us, a hop and a skip across the square, also possible (you join us for all meals).
March MON 18th – TUTORED Retreat – 4 nts
JUST ADDED: Develop Your Novel workshop with our most in demand tutor, author & editor Rebecca Horsfall. (5 previous retreats, all sold out).
ONLY 2 places left. £719.
April MONDAY 15th – TUTORED Retreat – 4 nts
DELIGHTED to welcome back top Open University tutor and author Rosemary Dun. Write a Commercial Novel workshop. IDEAL FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERS. £685. Only 3 places left.
May – TBC – poss JWR
July 1st – MONDAY – Tutored Memoirs wk – 4 nts
Ever popular MEMOIRS WORKSHOP with Marnie. Always, always oversubscribed. Immensely popular memoirs tutor offers once a year residential workshop, to explore your life story and make it work in print. Lots of pre and follow up. Just three places left. £789.
Aug/Sep/Oct tbc
November – MON 11th – TUTORED Retreat – 4nts
Write a Novel That Sells with award-winning Author Janet Gover. Our most prolific tutor joins us once more for another stay. A fun workshop week. £689
We always get a little flurry of bookings immediately after Christmas, so do feel free to get in touch early 🙂
Finally, congratulations to one of this year’s guests and our most senior student to date, the indefatigable Roy Ingamells, whose second novel, after a gap of some five decades or more, has just been published. Good luck and congratulations! We await our signed copy for our authors bookshelves – which are full to brimming since Retreats For You is celebrating 15 years next year!
Come join us for like-minded company, completely nurturing days all to yourself, some beautiful Devon countryside to walk in, or just sleep! Or read in front of the roaring fire. Go on, you know you deserve it 🙂
If you persuade somebody to buy you a voucher, just tell them to email me, I’d like to hear from them! You can decide which retreat to get, later!
Best wishes and happy writing!