Hi! Well what a great success the ask an agent weekend was. The talented duo, Hattie Grunewald, Agent at the Blair Partnership, and Zoë Plant from the Bent Agency, wowed our six guests with not only an insight into the industry, two individual one-to-ones with each guest, then after a tasty supper (cooked by me as Wendy was not available! Two types of sausages, two types of mash, tons of vegetables!), but we finished with a fascinating Q&A around a roaring fire with glasses of wine. Far be it from me to pre-empt anything but a couple of people were asked for their manuscript. What a way to jump the slush pile! Let me know if you want to go on the waitlist for the next one I organise with other agents here. (Later this year, or in 2021.)
Also, just a quick note to say that I am in the process of organising a memoirs week with a renowned memoirs tutor. Marnie Summerfield Smith (Twitter or yourmemoir.co.uk) will be helping me set up our very first one. As this is new and exciting you may want to act quickly, so make sure you read all the details on our events page here. It will take place 24th – 28th August. Please let me know if you are interested or forward this to somebody who may be.
Finally, Writing Magazine is sending out another email mailshot this time about, literally, Writing Retreats. You can read it here. There must be something in the air as we are also playing host to a lovely reporter from a major national financial newspaper, who is investigating writing retreats. And whilst I’m definitely inspired after listening to everybody talk to the agents last weekend, it’s a while since I got to go off on my own one, hopefully coronavirus will leave Devon alone!